Genetic considerations for sourcing research animals
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Genetic considerations for sourcing research animals

Jul 08, 2023

Lab Animal volume 52, pages 193–194 (2023)Cite this article

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This unfortunate mishap is an example of the reproducibility challenges we face in research. The results of their study highlight the confounding genetic variables that may be present in animal models and the need to be aware of such variables. Animal researchers are commonly aware of a range of experimental variables that require monitoring, including age, sex, pathogen status, and diet. Researchers must also be aware of the impact of various genetic elements on the experiment, including genetic background effects and the presence of any spontaneous or experimentally induced mutations or transgenes.

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Genetically Engineered Mouse Models Core, Children’s Mercy Research Institute, Kansas City, MO, USA

Jay L. Vivian PhD & Laramie Pence PhD

Chair, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Children’s Mercy Research Institute, Kansas City, MO, USA

Jay L. Vivian PhD

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Correspondence to Jay L. Vivian PhD.

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Vivian, J.L., Pence, L. Genetic considerations for sourcing research animals. Lab Anim 52, 193–194 (2023).

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Published: 29 August 2023

Issue Date: September 2023


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