Genetically Modified Mishaps
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Genetically Modified Mishaps

Jul 03, 2023

Lab Animal volume 52, pages 191–192 (2023)Cite this article

7 Accesses

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Dr. T. Guaio, an established faculty member at Great Eastern University (GEU), studies animal models of hemophilia with the goal of finding effective gene therapies. Recently, Guaio completed the statistical analyses of 6 months’ worth of data from his rabbit research. Much to his dismay, the results were inconclusive and rather chaotic. This was surprising, and troubling, because prior results were clear and statistically significant with a low p-value. Consequently, Guaio consulted with his colleague Dr. Altra Ipotesi.

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Animal Care & Use Office, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Lauren Danridge & Bill Greer

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Correspondence to Lauren Danridge or Bill Greer.

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Danridge, L., Greer, B. Genetically Modified Mishaps. Lab Anim 52, 191–192 (2023).

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Published: 29 August 2023

Issue Date: September 2023


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